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Annalize's Salted Caramel Chocolate Trifle

It's that beautiful, celebratory time of year again! A time that my family starts planning for, and looking forward to, from the very beginning of each year. My home during the holidays is full of love, family, feasting and deep belly laughs that keep us all up until midnight - happiness overflows here!

One of my most favourite desserts to have on our table is the exquisite Salted Caramel Chocolate Trifle, served with an ice cream bomb. The famous ice cream bomb is adored by the children in the family as they eat their way through the ice cream to find the few coins added into the mixture. It's such a juicy tradition!

My Christmas trifle includes these festive ingredients;

To top it off, one could add candied popcorn, fire-roasted marshmallows or fresh berries to break the sweetness. I like to add a bit of gold dusted glitter for an extra special touch!

Annalize Buchanan's Trifle Recipe

You will notice that there are no quantities or method in this recipe and this is because there is no such thing as too little or too much of each ingredient. I love to add lots of everything and have no preferences to layering. The amounts and method of each layer are totally up to you!

Enjoy, and a very happy festive season to you and your family!


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